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Animal Conservation Journal

'Estimating abundance of a small population of Bryde's whales: A comparison between aerial surveys and boat-based platforms of opportunity'.
The Wildlife Society

Improving our Carbon Flukeprint - conserving whales and their poo-nami's - can help combat climate change.

Research Projects

Simon Fraser University

Investigating the strategic interactions between Bigg’s killer whales and their pinniped prey in the Salish Sea.
Mingan Island Cetacean Study

Contributed to the development of the 'Scar study', a drone project investigating the entanglement rates in blue and fin whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, as well as the on-going photo-ID and biopsy-based population structure and behavioural studies of baleen whales in the Gulf.
Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation

Assisted with the ongoing large-scale trials investigating ‘Enhanced Weathering’ as a possible climate change mitigation strategy.
Hauraki Gulf Cetacean Project

Contributed towards multiple on-going projects and collaborated with University of Auckland and Massey University experts to publish a new and updated Hauraki Gulf Bryde’s Whale Catalogue.
North 58 Sea Adventures 

Photo identification and behavioural data collection on the bottlenose dolphins, grey and harbour seals in the Moray Firth, whilst collaborating with local experts and universities to contribute to on-going research projects.

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© 2022 by Felicity Johnson. 

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